Morning Selby, Two Topics
1. Kayak Rack Rentals – There are still available Slots on the Kayak Rack, located near our Boat Ramp.
If you would like to store your Kayak or Small Boat in this Community Rack please complete the attached form (form is located on the website) and check to:
Selby Community Assoc., Inc.
P.O. Box 599
Mayo, MD. 21106
Michael Bouchard, the Beach & Park Chair, will administer the assignments of the Slots and is the point of contact for the use.
2. Community Center Committee – We are in the process of forming this Committee to draft a defined set of Rules and Regulations for the use of the new building.
If you are a Selby Property Owner and would like to be a “Volunteer Member” of this Committee please reply to this email (email
This is a very important position and function that will have a lasting impact on the Selby Community for years to come.
The Committee will be chaired (led by) a least one Selby Board Member.
Please consider this position and how your contribution of time and ideas will benefit our Community.
Thanks in advance.