This photo was taken on a property on 7th Ave. |
Brown Recluse
I've been told that the brown recluse spider is not in Maryland. I have heard of many people suffering from their bites though. Whereas the black widow is easily distinguished from other spiders, the brown recluse is not. It is rather small and brown and has a violin pattern on top of it's head therefore it is also referred to as a "violin spider". The word "recluse" means withdrawn which is exactly what this spider does. It is a house spider that withdraws into dark, shadowy and undisturbed areas of the house. It will make it's home in corners, crevices, wood piles, newspaper piles, old clothes, attics, basements, boxes, etc. The brown recluse spider is not "poisonous", but it's bite is quite nasty. The venom destroys tissue much like a flesh-eating bacteria and there have been some cases that have lasted for up to a year trying to get control of the damage. Many people who have bitten by these spiders have been left with lasting scars.
Emergency Care Of Spider Bites
If one of these spiders bites you or a family/friend, then the first thing to do is to try and catch the spider. Time is limited on that one if the spider survives the encounter. Wipe down the bite with alcohol and apply ice. Seek immediate medical attention if effects from the bite start to appear and don't forget to take the spider with you.