Good morning Selby!
It’s been a crazy long time since an update and I apologize for that. Hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful spring weather. Hope Spring is finally here!
Selby Calendar for the Week
Monday - Girl Scouts - 6pm
Tuesday - Cheer - 7pm
Wednesday - Cheer - 6pm
Key fobs, clubhouse reservations - 7pm
Easter egg stuffing/donation drop-off - 6:30pm (small back room)
Thursday - Band Practice - 7:30pm
Tuesday - Cheer - 7pm
Wednesday - Cheer - 6pm
Key fobs, clubhouse reservations - 7pm
Easter egg stuffing/donation drop-off - 6:30pm (small back room)
Thursday - Band Practice - 7:30pm
* Hop-To-The-Beach - 2 April 11am to 1pm
Our annual Selby Easter egg hunt and fun day will be on Sunday, 2 April from 11am to 1pm. We’re looking for volunteers to help with the activities. This would be a great opportunity for any teens who are looking for service hours too. If you are interested, then please email
Our annual Selby Easter egg hunt and fun day will be on Sunday, 2 April from 11am to 1pm. We’re looking for volunteers to help with the activities. This would be a great opportunity for any teens who are looking for service hours too. If you are interested, then please email
* Kayak Rack Reservations - Opening 2 April - after Hop-To-The-Beach
Kayak rack reservations will open right after the Hop-To-The-Beach. Spaces will be reserved on a first-come-first-serve basis. You can find information about kayak rack rental space on the Selby website beach page.
Kayak rack reservations will open right after the Hop-To-The-Beach. Spaces will be reserved on a first-come-first-serve basis. You can find information about kayak rack rental space on the Selby website beach page.
* Mayo Peninsula Meeting - 4 April - 7pm
The Neighbors of the Mayo Peninsula will be having an informational meeting with the residents of the Mayo Peninsula. This group is a volunteer group dedicated to protecting the quality of life here on the Peninsula. They will speaking about the traffic, emergency services, schools, water, sewer, development and will be taking questions as well. The meeting will be held at Mayo Elementary like the meeting last year with hopes of just as many people! Mark your calendars and make a point to be there!!
The Neighbors of the Mayo Peninsula will be having an informational meeting with the residents of the Mayo Peninsula. This group is a volunteer group dedicated to protecting the quality of life here on the Peninsula. They will speaking about the traffic, emergency services, schools, water, sewer, development and will be taking questions as well. The meeting will be held at Mayo Elementary like the meeting last year with hopes of just as many people! Mark your calendars and make a point to be there!!
* Not My Child Presentation - 12 April - 7:30pm
The heroin problem in Anne Arundel County has grown to tremendous proportions and law enforcement and county officials are struggling to provide information and services. I am happy to bring Not My Child to Selby and the Mayo Peninsula. Not My Child is a presentation that is making it’s rounds around the county. The presentation begins with a short video and followed by a panel of speakers who are willing to answer questions and refer those in need to the help that they need. Not My Child is a very important presentation that everyone needs to see at least once and PLEASE bring your tweens and teens!! If you can not make the 12th, then please keep an eye out for other dates at other venues. New dates and locations are being scheduled every day.
The heroin problem in Anne Arundel County has grown to tremendous proportions and law enforcement and county officials are struggling to provide information and services. I am happy to bring Not My Child to Selby and the Mayo Peninsula. Not My Child is a presentation that is making it’s rounds around the county. The presentation begins with a short video and followed by a panel of speakers who are willing to answer questions and refer those in need to the help that they need. Not My Child is a very important presentation that everyone needs to see at least once and PLEASE bring your tweens and teens!! If you can not make the 12th, then please keep an eye out for other dates at other venues. New dates and locations are being scheduled every day.
* April Happy Hour - 7 April - 7pm
The Thursdays will be playing at the 1st Friday Happy Hour in April! Mark your calendars and hop down. BYOB and bring a snack to share. The band is really good and it’s a great time to chill and chat with neighbors. There will be no activities for children at this event.
* New Newsletter Sign-Up
Finally our newsletter subscription is automated! This is will make distributing the monthly Bay Winds a lot easier. To sign-up, go the Selby website at and fill out the subscription form. If you have signed up for the newsletter before, then please take the time to do so again using the form on the Selby website. Thanks!
Well, that’s it for the week! Hope everyone has a great week!