Thursday, April 19, 2012
Brush Fire Spreads Through Holiday Point
Shortly before 2pm on Sunday, April 15 calls started coming in concerning a brush fire in Selby. Not long after, crews were battling a 4-alarm blaze.
The fire seemed to have started in the marsh area between Winding Road and Holiday Point Marina. This area is accessible through a small foot trail off Winding Road and is popular with the neighborhood kids. Due to the extreme dryness and lack of rain, the fire got huge and spread quickly. The Bonnani family watched as the flames rapidly consumed grass and trees and came too close for comfort to their backyard. Friends and neighbors helped the Bonnanis carry important things from their home in case their worst fears came true. The fire twisted and turned in unusual patterns and in some places came right up to the road. Holiday Point Marina was put on the spot as the fire quickly headed towards the boat yard. The heat melted the plastic covering of a tent used to shelter a boat as it was being repaired and severely blistered several other boats. The heat and flames also ignited a small shed used to store flammables and completely destroyed the neighboring sailboat. A few folks at the marina later that evening said they were very fortunate that the winds suddenly changed direction and spared the marina.
94 fire department personnel, 40 land based units and 2 fire boats tirelessly worked for several hours and finally were able to quench the flames. Several fire trucks remained afterwards to completely saturate the area to prevent flare-ups. I'm told one fire worker was medi-vaced out after being near the shed explosion. This report has not been confirmed. Popular rumor has the cause of the blaze being linked to a group of young adults smoking cigarettes back on the trail off Winding Road. Weather alerts have been posted all week with brush fire warnings.
Pictures have been posted on the Selby website: