Monday, March 31, 2014

This Week In Selby: 31 March 2014

Good Afternoon Selby! Sorry I didn't post yesterday, I got distracted by the SNOW! The snow in March. Unbelievable. Crazy weather! Here's is what is coming up in Selby this week!

Monday - Selby Band Practice; Community Center; 7pm; Everyone is welcome.

Tuesday - SCA Monthly Board Meeting; Community Center; 7pm; Everyone is welcome.

Wednesday - Zumba; Community Center; 6:30pm; $10 Drop In Fee
                 - Reservations, Parking Stickers and Key Fobs; Community Center; 7pm

Friday - 1st Friday Happy Hour; Community Center; 7pm; Everyone is welcome; Bring your own drinks and a snack to share; children are always welcome, but there are no structured activities; This week's theme is...Pretzels!!!

Selby News

* National Pretzel Day is 26 March and it's our Happy Hour theme! Pretzels are made from baked bread dough and the yummy little morsels are shaped  in a unique knot to represent hands in prayer. One story has the pretzel being first made in 610AD by an Italian monk who gave them out to children as a reward for learning their prayers. He called them "pretiola" or "little rewards".

* Selby Easter-at-the-Beach will be on Saturday, 19 April from 11:00am until 1:00pm. A sign up sheet for baked goods and volunteers will be available shortly. We need several volunteers to help with activities. Adults as well as older children and teens are welcome. Stay tuned for details coming shortly!

* Summer programs at the Selby Community Center. We would like to have a "summer camp" at the community center this summer. This would give our Selby kids some fun things to do close to home. If you have a special talent or skill and would like to lead a class, then please contact me (Tracie) at We are looking for activities for ALL age ranges and especially middle school age. Crafts, sports, exercise, reading, science experiments, educational...what can you contribute?

* Selby Blog. I've been developing the Selby Blog for quite some time and really haven't figured out it's purpose until now. The blog is perfect for getting news out to Selby without every piece of electronics in your house bleeping with every new comment. The blog will carry Selby news, but comments are restricted. You can sign up for an email subscription at