Thursday, September 4, 2014

Selby Update - LONG!!

Good Afternoon Selby!! (In Robin Williams voice...I will so miss that guy)
This is a big, big update with lots of things to note so please take the time to sit down and read through the post. I would greatly appreciate it. Also, there are several links and I don't know if Facebook will freak out with this so I guess we'll just see what happens. 

There's been a lot of concern about how to get information out of the schools. There are ways of doing it, but they keep it under lock and key. I'm not sure why. I'm hoping this information helps everyone. FYI - I try to keep all the schools' newsletter current on the front page of the Selby website. They are posted right now except for the high school who doesn't have a newsletter out yet.

Central Elementary
Eblast: Send email info to:
Back-To-School Night: 9 September, 6:30pm

Central Middle 
Email: I have heard that they have an email newsletter, but I have no information on it
Back-To-School Night: 11 September, 6:30 (club info beginning at 5:30)

South River
South River Tracker: send email to Kathy Kraus at

The schools have just signed up for Twitter and it's a pretty good idea. I don't know how much info they'll put on it, but you can create a free Twitter account specifically for schools and of course, Selby. ;) The AACPS calendar will be posted on the Selby calendar.

September Happy Hour
The community center will be hosting a private party this Friday SO we're gonna ROCK THE BEACH. It's hotter than...(insert analogy here)...and I'm sure the kiddos will love to swim while the old-er folks lounge and watch them get tired. Hop on down with a cooler and meet and greet some neighbors!!

You have asked for it and it will happen...Yoga In Selby! Thank you to Chris Edmonds for spearheading this opportunity for us all to find our Zen. Considering the holidays are crazy for just about everyone, we're gonna start Yoga in January 2015 because I KNOW it will be on everyone's New Year's Resolutions! More information will be coming out in November as to what day and how much and how long. Keep an eye out!

Selby Elections
It's that magical time of year when we get to elect our new SCA Board for 2014-15!! I linked a copy of the Election issue of the Bay Winds which has all the info in it a couple weeks ago. If you would like to nominate someone for a position (all positions and descriptions are in the newsletter), then please get going!! Nominations will be accepted until 7 September. Please email your nominations to one of the three:

The general election meeting will begin at 2:00pm and voting will follow. We'll turn on the football game and nibble some snacks. Please bring your own beverages. If you would like to donate some snacks (I know there some folks who love to cook!), then you may sign up on the Sign-Up Genius at:

Please make sure you note what you would like to bring so we don't end up with duplicates. Results of the voting will be read after voting ends at 6:00pm. (voting ends at 6pm...results will be read when they tally them...give our election committee a little bit of time...sheesh!)

Selby Blog
If you have not yet done so, then feel free to sign up for a subscription to the Selby blog. Available blog posts are delivered to your email inbox only one time a day from the previous day's posts. It's a very convenient way to keep up with everything Selby and all you have to do is check your email! 

I was wondering if anyone would be interested in tutoring sessions at the community center. I would love to match older kids (especially those needing community service hours) with younger kids looking for some help (especially in the middle school). Let me know if that's an interest to anyone.

Selby Tots
Selby Tots will be going back to their regular schedule. They will now meet every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month from 10:00am to 12:00pm. This is a great way for both parents and kids to meet!

Selby Band
The Selby Band is taking a hiatus for a while. I do believe that they will reunite and will let us know when that happens.

I think that's about it. I told you this was going to be long! I hope a lot of this information is useful to you. If you have any questions or comments about any of the above, then please email 

Have a great Selby day!!

- Tracie