Good evening Selby!
Here's your weekly update for the week of 23 November.
* Zumba - 6:30pm to 7:30pm
Last time before Thanksgiving!
* Key Fobs and Parking Stickers - 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Parking stickers have changed! New ones are green!
* Community Center Reservations - 7:30pm to 9:00pm
Reservations, deposits, questions
* Selby Holiday Celebration - 5:30pm to 10:00pm
Make sure you sign up to contribute to our Selby Holiday Celebration on 5 December:
Donations can be brought down to the Community Center between 5:00pm and 5:30pm. Please bring your own beverages. The party gets underway at 5:30. Don't forget to wear your ugly sweater for the Ugly Sweater Contest! There will also be a 50/50 Raffle. Bring the kids down to make a holiday craft and to visit with Santa from 6:30pm to 7:30pm. Don't forget your camera!! Hop on down and celebrate the beginning of the holiday season with friends and neighbors!
* Firehouse Santa hosted by the Woodland Beach Volunteer Fire Department
Santa will be coming to Selby by fire truck and visit everyone at the Community Center at 7pm on Sunday, 7 December. Please bring a wrapped gift that is clearly labelled with boy/girl and recommended age. If you have any coats that your family has outgrown and are still in good condition, then think about giving them to Santa too and he will distribute them to folks who need to keep warm this winter.
* AACPS will be closed from 24 - 28 November. 24-25 November are reserved for student conferences.
* Edgewater Books is collecting money to donate to an anonymous family to use for food during the holidays. Please think about donating what you can to make a family amazingly happy this holiday season. If you have children who would like to help with the shopping and delivery, then please contact Edgewater Books ( Please donate through the link below:
* A Teen Bank is in the process of being created. A Teen Bank is a listing of Selby teens who are looking for and willing to work for neighbors. The holidays are approaching and eventually snow and folks will be looking for babysitters and snow shovelers. If you have a teen who is interested in earning a little spending cash, then please email their name, age, interest (babysitting, lawn mowing, snow shoveling, pet sitting, etc.), any experience, parent/guardian and contact info. Teen's names will not be posted on the internet. If you are looking for help, then please email with your request. Send emails to:
I think that's about it for now. Have a great Thanksgiving Selby. Stay safe, enjoy the football games and be careful of that turkey coma. Please drink responsibly!