Sunday, January 11, 2015

Weekly Update - 12 January 2015

Good evening Selby,
First, AACPS will be opening 2 hours late tomorrow, Monday, 12 January. We are expecting freezing rain beginning around 5:00am tomorrow morning and due to continue to about 9:00am.

- There will be a special tax meeting at the community center beginning at 7:30pm. A copy of the tax budget is posted on the Selby website.

- Zumba will be in full force at the community center beginning at 6:30pm. Drop-ins are welcome.

- Yoga will be destressing folks at the community center beginning at 7:30pm. Drop-Ins are welcome.
-  The Selby band jam is back!!! All Selby musicians hop on down to the community center at 8:00pm!

* Chili Cook-Off time!! We'll be having our first Selby Chili Cook-Off on Sunday, 18 January at 4:00pm. Do you have an amazing chili recipe? Would you like one? Check out our Selby Pinterest page for ideas. There will be 5 categories: vegetarian, heat, most original, classic and best taste. Please email if you would like to enter a chili. Include your name, email address, recipe name and category. We will also have plenty of information on Selby's upcoming Neighborhood Watch Program. We are currently looking for block captains. This could be one person or a group of folks.

* Craft Fair - Selby will be having it's first Craft Fair on 7 February from 9:00am until 3:00pm. Spaces are $25 each and table rental is $10. Call 410-693-5405 for more information.

* Upcoming in February, we will have a Super Bowl gathering along with a sign-up potluck. Stay tuned for more information!

I think that's about it for now Selby. Have a great evening and if you have to venture out late tonight or early in the morning, then please be careful.