Hello Selby,
I hope that everyone is enjoying a nice snow day! I don't know about you, but I wasn't expecting what we got. Looks like a good day to catch up everyone on what is going on in Selby.
Sunday, 1 March
We'll be celebrating Dr. Suess' birthday at the community center from 2pm to 4pm. We'll read a story, do a short craft, color a birthday greeting for Dr. Suess and eat some birthday cake. Birthday greetings that are filled out will be used to mail a special thank you!
Friday, 6 March
This month's 1st First Friday Happy Hour will be a St. Patrick's Day celebration. We're asking everyone to bring an Irish treat and, as always, it's BYOB. Don't forget drinks for the kids!! Also, we are collecting plastic eggs and candy donations to be used for the Hop-To-The-Beach Selby Easter Celebration. Happy Hour will begin at an earlier time - 5pm.
Sunday, 8 March
The Selby Coffeehouse will be open again from 10am until 5pm. We will have the strategic gaming club for anyone who would like to watch or learn more. The Blue Ribbon Project will be there excepting donations for their Backpacks of Love program. You can go to www.theblueribbon.org to find more information or go to the Selby-On-The-Bay website's social page for a list of items. The Selby Coffeehouse is a quiet event whereas folks can come in, play some games with their kids, read a book or maybe even host a group. This would be a great time for a book club meeting! If anyone is interested in hosting one, then please email me at SelbyBay@gmail.com. This is also a good time for homework or to finish up projects.
Thursday, 19 March
The Girls' Night Out (GNO) group is rescheduled for Thursday, 19 March. The agenda is simple - listening to our Selby Band and stuffing eggs for Easter!
I think that's about it for now! Details on the Hop-To-The-Beach is coming soon!