Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Selby Update

Good Evening Selby,
Here's a small update for everyone since we haven't had one this year! Oh my!

Yoga - Unfortunately, we no longer have a yoga group every week.
Zumba - Zumba is every Thursday night at 6:30pm.
Selby Tots - I'm hearing not too many folks are making it to Selby Tots. Do we still have any interest left in this group?
Ladies Night - Every 4th Thursday (this month the 28th) at 7:30pm.

Special Tax Meeting - There is a special tax meeting Sunday, 17 January at 1:00pm to vote on the special tax budget.
2nd Annual Chili Cook-Off - Saturday, 23 January beginning at 4pm. Don't forget to register!!

Looking Ahead:
1st Friday Happy Hour - 5 Feb beginning at 7pm.
Super Bowl and Wing Challenge - 7 Feb (Look for the sign ups for donations and the wing challenge!)
Coffeehouse - 20 Feb

Thanks everyone and I'll try to keep up! :)