Monday, July 25, 2016

Selby Weekly - 25 July 2016

Good Monday Morning Selby!
Today is going to be a scorcher from what I’m hearing. This heat is no joke. There are heat advisories everywhere! We are expecting heat indexes of 105 to 110! Please be careful. Limit outside physical activity. You can skip just one day of jogging. It’s okay. Check on your elderly neighbors and those with very young children and make sure they have working AC. Get those fuzzy friends indoors! And whatever you do…NEVER LEAVE ANY LIVING CREATURE IN A HOT CAR! Keep them home. They are happy there! If your pets must be outside (even for a little while), then make sure they have fresh, clean, cool water to drink. Running fans and pulling down the blinds in your home can help keep your house cool and save the AC and electricity. Cooling centers are open around the county. Our local ones ~ Edgewater Library, Annapolis Library and the Southern District police station on Stepney’s Lane. Those are the closest to us. They have AC, water and restrooms. They do not provide medical services and do not accommodate animals. Now on to the weekly update.
** Zumba is still on break. A new class session will be beginning 4 August. This is our longest running class/club and they really look like they are having a good time. If you have always wanted to try, then this is the best time! Email Linda at for more information, details and how you can register.
7pm - Band Practice
7:30pm - Ladies Night
** Community Yard Sale **
We’ll be scheduling a community yard sale in September. If you haven’t participated in past community yard sales, then this is how it goes. Everyone has a yard sale on the same day. Maps are posted around showing all the houses that are having yard sales. The one year that I had a yard sale, I made copies of the map and addresses and gave them out at my yard sale. Stay tuned for more details. Until then, start looking for stuff to sell!!
** Mayo Peninsula Planning and Project Update **
The Mayo Peninsula Planning and Project Update Meeting is tomorrow, Tuesday, 26 July 2016 from 7:00pm to 8:30pm at Mayo Elementary School. This is a great time to hear what’s going on directly from County Executive Steve Schuh and it’s also a great opportunity to voice concerns and ask questions. Everyone is urged to come!!
**Jellyfish **
The jellies are out and about if you haven’t noticed. I know folks in my own home are getting stung regularly. In our years here in Selby we have tried many things to ease the pain from a jellyfish sting from meat tenderizer to baking soda paste to scrubbing with sand. The two tried and true methods (and there may be more and some things work differently for different people) so far are vinegar or hand sanitizer. Try them out the next time you lose to a jellyfish!
** Beach Bulletin Board **
The beach bulletin board has been updated and I’m going to attempt to keep it up. I think it’s a great way to communicate with neighbors in a non-digital kind of way. It’s also a great way to get out of the house in the cooler evenings with family. Try taking a walk to the beach - get updated on community news AND the clubhouse IS a Pokestop! I do ask that folks DO NOT open the front of the bulletin board and add personal items. The bulletin board is for community news only! We are looking into corking the back for personal and business ads.
** Selby on YouTube **
Selby has a YouTube channel! YouTube is HUGE right now and I think it’s a fun way to get some messages to folks. Search “Selby Bay” in YouTube, find our channel and subscribe! We have 2 videos with more to come!
** Edgewater Books **
Edgewater Books is having a school supply drive. These supplies will be delivered to our local schools and distributed to kids in need. Right now there are HUGE sales and discounts on school supplies and, lets face it, who doesn’t love buying crayons and markers and paper! Here is a list of what is needed:
Backpacks (boys and girls, try to avoid themed backpacks)
Pencil boxes
Tissues (personal size)
Sandwich size zip lock bags
Gallon size zip lock bags
Crayola twistable crayons
Crayola box crayons
colored pencils
Ticonderoga pencils
Post It Notes
plastic pocket folders (red, green, blue)
gum erasers (preferably the pink ones)
blackie sharpie markers
index cards
liquid hand soap (personal size)
wet wipes (individual packages)
Supplies can be dropped off at Edgewater Books (by the Steakhouse) or Pottery at South River Colony (directly across the parking lot). We’ll be scheduling a Selby drop off day too for supplies to be donated to Edgewater Books.
Well, quite a lengthy update. I apologize, but thanks for hanging in there with me. Have a wonderful week! I’ll see everyone at Mayo Elementary on Tuesday! PLEASE be careful in that heat!!!!!