Halloween Update!
For those who will be asking, trick-or-treating generally starts when the sun goes down. Please only go to the houses that have lights on. Remember "please" and "thank you" and be mindful of neighbors' lawns. Use walkways if possible. Remember that trick-or-treating is a fun activity and those who are giving out candy are doing so out of the goodness of their hearts. Show them how much they are appreciated and make it a fun evening! If you are driving through the streets of Selby, please remember that this is a night when children are all over the neighborhood. SLOW DOWN YOUR SPEEDS!!! Parents, please keep an eye out on ALL of our Selby kids and try to keep them out of the streets so that cars may pass safely. If we both work together, then we'll all have a great night. Unfortunately, it's supposed to be chilly on Halloween night, but dry. Don't forget the hay rides at the clubhouse starting around 7:30ish and the bonfire as well.
Considering we have had a rash of break-ins, please take some time before retiring for the evening to make sure cars, sheds and garages are locked up.
Time Change
This weekend (Sunday) Daylight Savings Time ends. Make sure you set your clocks back one hour on Saturday evening. Also, grab some batteries and change the ones in your smoke detector. It's better to be safe than sorry!!
Happy Halloween Selby!!