Thursday, October 9, 2014

Selby Boo-At-The-Beach

Good evening Selby,
This year for Halloween, we'd like to try and do something a little different. Instead of having Halloween festivities on the night of Halloween, we're going to have a Halloween party on 25 October. We decided that this would be better since many of our volunteers would like to trick-or-treat with their families or hand out candy to neighborhood children on Halloween night. We'll still have our hayride and bonfire on Halloween night though. A Selby Halloween wouldn't be complete without them! Usually the hayride starts around 7:30-8:00pm.
The Selby Boo-At-The-Beach will be held on 25 October at the community center from 6:00pm until 10:00pm. We will have activities and contests for the kids throughout the evening. One of our contests will be a pumpkin carving contest. We're asking for those who would like to enter a pumpkin, to carve their Jack o'Lanterns at home, give it a name (a non-family name on a card) and bring it down to the community center before the party starts. Voters will use the anonymous name to cast their vote.
The success of the Selby-Boo-At-The-Beach relies on you! We need volunteers! We need volunteers to donate snacks. We need volunteers to man the games. This would be great for teens looking for some community service hours. We need volunteers to donate toilet paper. This is for a few of the games. Attached is the link for the SignUpGenius. Please take a look and see how you can help out.
