Thursday, January 21, 2016

Weekend Winter Storm Update

Good morning Selby!
As we recover from a little taste of what we are expecting this weekend, here is a little update.

First, thank you to Jay Scott for the road conditions report!! It is incredibly helpful to know what the roads are like before we venture out. You'll definitely be needed to let us know how things are going as you're plowing this weekend! Please safely stay in touch.

As you may have expected, our 2nd Annual Chili Cook-Off will be postponed until the following weekend, 30 January from 4pm to 6pm. Please keep signing up!!!! This gives everyone additional time to sign up so we can plan our space!!

We have a large nor'easter heading our way this weekend with a potential of 1-2 feet of snow. We are currently under a Blizzard Watch meaning that along with heavy bands of snow, we will be expecting very high winds. We may even have some thundersnow which is too cool! These conditions are extremely dangerous. I encourage everyone to prepare now so that when the storm arrives, folks are not jumping on the roads. Please leave the roads open to the emergency crews, plows and utility companies.

Now is the time to check snow blowers, generators and get salt and shovels. Top off the gas in your vehicles and make sure you have plenty of window washing fluid. Please check on elderly neighbors and neighbors with young children to make sure that have prescriptions, supplies, heat, food and such for the weekend. Please bring in animals ~ cats and dogs. Animals should NOT have to be outside during this storm. Check batteries for flashlights and bring up any firewood that you may need. The stores are emptying quick!

With so much snow on the way, there will be a mass digging out when everything is said and done on Sunday. PLEASE help out your neighbors. This is a great opportunity for our Selby youth to earn a few bucks. I will post a picture of two kids walking with shovels in the snow. Please post all comments for either wanting to be shoveled out OR wanting to shovel someone out. If you are reading this message on a forum other than Facebook, then please email and you will be added to the Facebook thread for those looking for snow removal. If we keep everyone on one thread, then it will be easier to match everyone up and folks can contact each other as they see fit.

I believe that is it. I will be posting weather reports regularly on Facebook as they come in with any new information. Hang in there and I guess we'll have winter after all!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Selby Update

Good Evening Selby,
Here's a small update for everyone since we haven't had one this year! Oh my!

Yoga - Unfortunately, we no longer have a yoga group every week.
Zumba - Zumba is every Thursday night at 6:30pm.
Selby Tots - I'm hearing not too many folks are making it to Selby Tots. Do we still have any interest left in this group?
Ladies Night - Every 4th Thursday (this month the 28th) at 7:30pm.

Special Tax Meeting - There is a special tax meeting Sunday, 17 January at 1:00pm to vote on the special tax budget.
2nd Annual Chili Cook-Off - Saturday, 23 January beginning at 4pm. Don't forget to register!!

Looking Ahead:
1st Friday Happy Hour - 5 Feb beginning at 7pm.
Super Bowl and Wing Challenge - 7 Feb (Look for the sign ups for donations and the wing challenge!)
Coffeehouse - 20 Feb

Thanks everyone and I'll try to keep up! :)