
Maryland! Get ticked off!!
Summertime always brings the sand, the beach and ticks. Ticks are little critters that fall from the trees or hitch a ride when you or your pet are walking through tall grass. Ticks are parasites that feed off blood. Once they are full, they fall off. Unfortunately, they can also make you sick. Ticks are most active in the late spring and early fall and are most commonly found in woods, marshy places, bushes, shrubs, leaf litter and tall grass. To protect yourself against ticks getting on you, wear long sleeves and pants in light colors with shirts and pants tucked in waist and socks. Bug sprays containing 20-50% DEET are effective. 30% DEET is safe on kids older than two months. Here are some tips to stay safe.

Lyme Disease
The most common disease spread through ticks is Lyme Disease. The Deer Tick is the culprit and must be attached for at least 24 hours to spread the disease. Deer Ticks are very small and can resemble a small scab or mole. About 70-80% of the bites form the familiar bullseye pattern in about 3-30 days. Early symptoms include fever, headache, fatigue and possible rash and 2-4 weeks of antibiotics are a common treatment.

How To Remove a Tick

  • Grab the tick close to the skin and gently pull straight up removing all the parts
  • Make sure you are able to remove the head
  • Clean up with soap and water
  • Never use petroleum jelly, matches or nail polish