Bike Safety

Selby is a great neighborhood to bike around. A bike is also a kid's first means of transportation. We have no sidewalks in Selby, so bikers and cars have to share the road. Here are some rules of the road!

  • Check with Mom and Dad about how far and where you are allowed to ride.
  • Always use both hands on the handle bars.
  • When leaving your driveway or approaching the street, look both ways for oncoming vehicles.
  • Cross at proper intersections. Do not cross the street from in between parked cars. 
  • Ride with traffic.
  • Don't ride too close to parked cars in case the door opens.
  • Ride single file.
  • When crossing a major street (like Central Ave/214), get off the bike and walk it across the street.
How can you tell if a bike is the right size?
  • For girls - have them sit on the bike seat and hold the handle bars. The balls of her feet should be able to touch the ground.
  • For boys - have them straddle the top bar. There should be a clearance of about 1".