Sunday, May 31, 2015

Weekly Update - 31 May

Good Evening Selby,
Here's a quick little update for ya since it's been a while!

7:00pm - SCA/Community Meeting

6:30pm - Zumba

6:30pm - Yoga

6:00pm - 1st Friday Happy Hour (Tent Village!)

 ** Our 1st Friday Happy Hour this month is a tent village. Selby residents are invited to spend the night at the beach. Hop down and share a few beverages and enjoy a s'more while listening to live music. We are looking for firewood donations!

** Are you signed up for the library's Summer Reading Club yet? No? Well, get over there and sign up. They have a great summer program with fun activities. Don't forget to grab a shirt!

** 1 June marks the beginning of hurricane season. I hear this year will be quiet, but you never know. Take the time now to prepare for severe weather.

** We will have mosquito spraying this year. Please see the Selby website for information and a form to fill out if you would like to exclude your area from spraying.

** We are currently working on activities for the summer. If you would like to lead an activity (it can one hour, one day, multiple days, etc), then please email We are expecting to have summer activity information available at the Last Day of School Popsicles on 18 June.

I think that's it for now! Have a great week!!