Thursday, October 30, 2014

Selby Broadcast Message

Morning Selby,

Last night there were a couple burglaries in my area of Selby, including my garage.

The Police were apparently alerted by one of my neighbors, who ‘spotted’ the thieves walking down the road with some of my power tools.
They were using the dirt path on the corner of 2nd and Winding Rd as their ‘Stash Area’ to come back later to load them onto a truck.
The Police Dogs were able to locate this area very quickly and found all my property and a few other valuable tools from other trucks.

I’m not certain if they apprehended the individuals, but the Police Cruisers, Helicopter and two K9 teams were ‘all over’ this area.
However, with all the wooded areas we have in Selby and the fact that these ‘guys’ were on foot and after dark – It was difficult to find them.

                Take out those Key Fobs and lock your cars and trucks when you head off to bed.
These ‘guys’ have not been known to ‘break into’ a vehicle, but if they’re able to open any of the doors they will take anything of value.
These individuals are brazen and will not hesitate to steal, sell and get money from your valuables for their drug habit.
If your vehicle has never been ‘hit’ – consider yourself fortunate.  
