Sunday, March 1, 2015

Weekly Update - 1 March 2015

Good icy evening Selby,
We've got quite a mess outside, but if you can get past the scary slipperiness (is that a word?), then you can see the beauty. Everything looks like glass! Please be careful if you have to walk outside. What looks to be just wet, is really ice. Here is the weekly update.

Tuesday, 3 March
SCA Board/Community meeting at 7pm

Wednesday, 4 March
Zumba - 6:30pm
Key fobs and parking stickers (remember, we have new ones) - 7:00pm
Community Reservations - 7:45pm

Friday, 6 March
St. Patrick's Day 1st Friday Happy Hour - 5:00pm
     - Please bring an Irish dish to share as we celebrate St. Patrick's Day at the community center. We will also wish Dr. Seuss a quick HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

* Selby Coffeehouse will be open again on Sunday, 8 March. We will be hosting the Strategic Gaming Club and the Blue Ribbon Project. If you were unable to make their Chick-Fil-A Backpack drive, then here is your next opportunity. I will put a list up soon with items you may donate for the backpacks. We will also have community information. Everyone is invited down for some quiet time in the community center. Bring a book or a game. Hot drinks, soda, water and candy concessions will be sold during this time.

* There have been quite a lot of footprints going across Selby Bay. I've actually heard reports of folks pulling sleds across the frozen water. Just a little reminder that there is no safe ice! We have had several water rescues here on the peninsula and the water under the ice is so cold that hypothermia can set in within seconds. Please don't take that chance. Stay off the ice!!

* If you are looking for a great way of getting Selby Bay news, then let me tell ya about two! We do have a Selby Bay blog. Comments are turned off so it is ALL Selby news ALL the time. Better yet, if you go to the blog, then you can "follow by email". This sends you all the posts for one day in ONE email the following morning. No long comment threads. No constant beeping. Just one email in the morning. You can read with your morning coffee! Another great way of getting Selby news is to sign up to Nextdoor. Nextdoor is relatively new, but a very powerful media tool. Nextdoor is private to the neighbors of that community, meaning your residency has to be verified to stay on the site. This is through Nextdoor and not me! Nextdoor has a app so it's really easy to just tap on that to read Selby news!  The Selby blog and the Selby Nextdoor are two great ways to get community information!!

Selby Bay Blog -
Nextdoor -

* Lastly, we have had quite a few pups go running around the hood! PLEASE make sure your pet has a collar and tags complete with a working phone number. We have a lot of really nice, kind-hearted animal lovers here in Selby who go out of their way to help out our fuzzy friends. Meet them halfway by giving them a means to find homes. Thanks!

That's it for tonight. Be careful tomorrow morning. It's going to be treacherous. The schools have NOT made a decision yet, but there will be a post here when that decision comes through.