Sunday, March 8, 2015

Weekly Update - 8 March

Hello Selby and welcome to the thaw! Hopefully, we are on our way towards Spring. If you haven’t already, turn all your clocks up an hour. Don’t forget clocks and timers such as the thermostat and water conditioner. Also, this is the perfect opportunity to change out your smoke detector batteries. Make that part of your Daylight Savings Time celebration! 

Here is your weekly update for the week of 8 March 2015!

Tuesday, 10 March 2015
* 7:30pm
Drug Abuse Prevention Townhall (See below)

* 6:30pm
Zumba (Drop-Ins are welcome at $10)

* 6:30pm
Yoga (Drop-Ins are welcome at $15)
* 8:00pm
Selby Band (musically capable? Stop on by and jam!!)


* On Tuesday, 10 March there will be a Drug Abuse Prevention Town Hall. Heroin has been skyrocketing in our county and the majority of our crime comes directly from drug abusers. Select AACo professionals will present valuable information concerning substance abuse such as:

- Prevalence of Heroin and Marijuana
- Underage Alcohol Use
- Useful treatment and prevention strategies
- Perception of risk in youth ages 12-20 in South County
- Question and answer session afterwards
- Sponsored by South County Bridges To A Drug Free Community

* Yoga will begin it’s next session on Thursday, 12 March at 6:30. This session will be 8-weeks with a fee of $100. Drop-ins are available for $15. Register at

* Selby’s Easter observance - Hop-To-The-Beach - will be held on Sunday, 22 March from 10am to noon. There will be a bunch of fun games, 50/50 raffle, facepainting and the Easter egg hunt! If you would like to donate sweets to the event, then there will be a table set up for drop-off. We will not have a Sign-Up Genius for this event. We are looking for donations of filled Easter eggs for the hunt. If you would like to donate some eggs, then you can drop them off at any community event or in the donation box located in the community center across from the bathrooms by the book rack. In order to not disturb any ongoing events, please place donated eggs on counter by sink in the “kitchen”. Thank you in advance!! Oh!! One more thing!! The Easter egg hunt will be for Grades 6 and below. We need 10 able and willing teens to help out with goings-on at the event. Teen volunteers will receive bunny ears and a treat bag. Please only volunteer teens THAT WILL BE PRESENT at the event. Thanks!